Early 2011. I had just finished commissioning Mr. Rahman’s Los Angeles Studio, complete with a Euphonix System 5 console.
We had just discussed how I might need a few weeks to learn the console, which was totally new to me. As I sat in the studio browsing the user guide for System 5, doorbell rang. I opened the door to see the one & only Michael Bolton standing there !!! A casual conversation over coffee between the two legends soon turned into “How about we record a song ?”.
As they both looked at me I sat there petrified, in a state of shock. My brain suggested I come up with an excuse, bail out. However my heart and my gut told me to grab this opportunity by its horns.
I did just that.
I could have been burnt - badly.
However. As the evening progressed I would go on to successfully cut Michael Bolton’s vocals for Sajna Re. The track got released in Mr. Bolton’s album “Gems: The Duets Collection”.
The song is a constant reminder to me. On the importance of trying & the importance of having faith. The recording went well because of the faith I had in myself & because of the faith that my friend-boss-mentor AR sab had in me.
Sometimes all we need to do is to take a leap of faith.
If you’ve read this far: Keep learning, never stop trying and, try something out of your comfort zone today !
#music #mentor #arrahman #michaelbolton #logicprox #avid #protools #euphonix #system5 #bowerswilkins #recording #mixing #engineering #takealeap #faithoverfear