A style that is YOU !
See each picture as your creative mind sees it, as you would edit it ––– Before you capture.
Styles - Me Edition learns –––– your –––– taste with each edit you make in the Photos App.
The more pictures you take, the more edits you make, the style becomes more –––– You.
More Photography & Less Editing –––– Until the day your pictures needs no more editing.
Home is where the heart is.
Matter-enabled HomeKit Accessories optimizes lights, thermostats, media & security systems to match –––– your daily routine –––– using AirTags, Apple Watch, iOS devices & compatible third party occupancy sensors.
Lights when you need it.
HomeKit proactively turns on the lights in a room –––– as you approach. Then turns them off once you have left.
Blinds, When you Dont.
Cinema Mode –––– uses HomeKit to dim lights, roll the shades down, and control other accessories to set the mood every time you start watching Apple TV.
So you can focus on the one thing that matters –––– Being entertained.
MUSIC Now moves.
with you.
Your new superpower. Music now follows –––– you –––– from one room to the other.
Studio quality, Lossless, Immersive Music that seamlessly moves from HomePod mini in the bedroom to Soundbar in the Kitchen. Then, to the Apple TV & Dolby Atmos home theater system in the living room as your day evolves –––– intuitively.
Cinema, welcome home.
Apple TV can now calibrate your home audio system to bring out the best, cinema quality sound your system can deliver. A huge leap in sound quality you’ll notice every day.
iPhone’s microphones are used to measure sound reflections at your listening position, while the LiDAR is used to capture depth information of your listening space.
Microphones + LiDar = magic !
Measurements from the microphones & LiDAR are used to compute a volumetric, 3D model of your listening space. A multi-band, phase accurate filter is then generated based on this model. A filter that is unique –––– to you, your room.
sound. unleashed.
Stereo to 5.1 Surround to Dolby Atmos, we wanted to give you a sonic experience only a Director had access to. Until today.
The result –––– Music & Movies like you have never experienced before.
Grandmother’s Recipes –––– With mom’s tweaks –––– With your notes.
Recipes that live, evolve.
Heritage. Kept alive.